The DJF Law Firm, PLLC

Houston Maritime Injury Attorneys

If you sustained injuries while working on a water vessel, do not hesitate to contact The DJF Law Firm, PLLC. You might be entitled to compensation for your medical treatment and other expenses.

Performing any type of job at sea can be dangerous. You’re at risk of an injury every time you enter the job site. Maritime laws protect workers’ rights and allow them to seek compensation if they get hurt while working on the water.

The DJF Law Firm, PLLC is familiar with maritime laws and the procedures injured employees must follow to pursue a claim. Call us at 832-529-3476 right now for a free consultation with one of our Houston work injury attorneys.

Federal Laws Protecting Maritime Workers

Heavy machinery, toxic substances, and dangerous working conditions increase the risk of injury to seamen. The courts have passed various laws to protect maritime workers’ rights due to the hazardous nature of their job.

The most critical maritime laws you should know about include:

  • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
  • The Jones Act
  • Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
  • Death on the High Seas Act

Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act allows maritime workers to pursue benefits through their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance after an occupational accident. Eligible workers include:

  • Pile drivers
  • Forklift operators
  • Ship repairers
  • Dockworkers
  • Longshoremen
  • Shipbuilders
  • Harbor employees
  • Winch operators
  • Pier constructors

The money you receive can pay for:

  • Necessary medical care
  • Two-thirds of your average weekly wage before sustaining an injury
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Permanent impairment and disability

You are entitled to coverage if your illness or injury occurred on or near navigable waters. You must have been working on a terminal, oil rig, dock, platform, pier, or another kind of vessel.

Death benefits might also be available for surviving family members, such as a spouse or child, who lose someone in a maritime accident. You could receive a percentage of your loved one’s average weekly wage and up to $3,000 for funeral expenses.

The Jones Act

The Jones Act is a federal law that protects seamen who sustain injuries on the job. This law is critical for maritime employees since they might not be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. You could receive compensation for:

  • Daily living expenses, such as food, rent, and transportation
  • Medical treatment
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages

A seaman includes any person who works on a vessel or fleet operating on navigable waters, such as:

  • Deckhand
  • Ferry worker
  • Barge crew
  • Harbor worker
  • Diver
  • Fisherman
  • Technician
  • Driller
  • Anchor
  • Oil rig worker
  • Shipyard and dock worker
  • Tugboat worker
  • Merchant mariner
  • Pilot
  • Cook
  • Captain

Common types of vessels in the maritime industry include:

  • Tug boats
  • Barges
  • Crew boats
  • Floaters
  • Supply boats
  • Container ships
  • Ferries
  • Drill ships
  • Stationary oil rigs
  • Dredges

Navigable waters refer to bodies of water used for foreign or interstate commerce. Your injury must occur on or near the waterway while performing your work-related duties. You must also spend at least 30 percent of your time performing your job aboard a vessel that’s in navigation to qualify for coverage under the Jones Act.

“In navigation” doesn’t necessarily mean the vessel has to move. It could be temporarily anchored or moored. It is not in navigation if it’s being repaired on a drydock.

Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act

You can’t pursue compensation under the Jones Act if you work on an oil rig platform affixed to the ocean floor. Instead, you can file a claim under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. This act is an extension of the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act.

However, you can’t collect compensation unless your job involves transporting, removing, developing, or exploring natural resources by pipeline. Additionally, officers and employees of the United States, vessel crewmembers, and vessel masters are not allowed to pursue compensation under this act.

Death on the High Seas Act

Another essential maritime law is the Death on the High Seas Act. Surviving family could seek compensation if a maritime worker died at sea due to someone else’s wrongful act, neglect, or default.

Qualifying family members include:

  • Spouse
  • Child
  • Parent
  • Another dependent relative

Maritime Accidents

Various factors can contribute to a maritime worker’s injury. The most common types of maritime accidents include:

  • Slip/trip and falls
  • Explosions
  • Operator error
  • Fires
  • Falling overboard
  • Collisions with a vessel, dock, or oil rig
  • Malfunctioning machinery and equipment
  • Contact with faulty electrical wiring or components
  • Unsecured fallen cargo
  • Inhaling harsh chemicals and toxic fumes
  • Being caught between or struck by objects

Many maritime accidents are due to human error. A maintenance worker might not replace a worn-out part or maintain vital equipment. The vessel owner could violate safety regulations placing workers at serious risk of injury.

Do not hesitate to contact The DJF Law Firm, PLLC if your injury or illness occurred in any type of maritime accident. We will review your case and advise whether we can pursue compensation on your behalf.

Maritime Injuries

Maritime workers can suffer a range of injuries and medical conditions while working on the water. The most common types of maritime injuries include:

  • Heat exhaustion
  • Electrical shock
  • Vision or hearing loss
  • Lung disease
  • Frostbite
  • Paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Drowning
  • Asphyxiation
  • Repetitive motion injury
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Loss of limb
  • Hypothermia
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Burns

You might face a long road to recovery after a maritime accident. Some injuries are debilitating and require months or years of intense rehabilitation. You can face massive debt if you can’t afford to pay your medical bills and other costs. Let The DJF Law Firm, PLLC help you seek the compensation you need to heal and get your life back on track.

Contact Us

At The DJF Law Firm, PLLC, our Houston maritime injury attorneys believe in protecting injured maritime workers. We will be your advocate and fight for the compensation you deserve. You won’t go through this devastating experience alone. We will guide you during the complicated process and remain by your side until the end.

If you suffered a job-related illness or injury in a maritime accident, call The DJF Law Firm, PLLC at 832-529-3476 for your free consultation. We can determine which maritime law applies to you and start working on your claim immediately.