The DJF Law Firm, PLLC

Houston Sports Injuries Attorneys

If you sustained injuries in a sports-related accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact The DJF Law Firm, PLLC immediately. You might be entitled to financial compensation for your lost wages, medical bills, and other expenses.

You risk getting hurt when you participate in organized sports or recreational activities. However, there’s a significant difference between an unintentional accident and sustaining injuries because of someone’s negligent actions. If someone else is responsible for your sports-related injury, they should be liable.

At The DJF Law Firm, PLLC, we understand the toll an injury can take. It can disrupt your entire life. You might not have the financial means to pay for your medical treatment and could face crushing medical debt. Our Houston sports injuries attorneys are ready to help you fight for the justice you deserve.

Call The DJF Law Firm, PLLC at 832-529-3476 for your free consultation to learn more about how we can help.

Common Causes of Sports Accidents

Some sports come with inherent risks. However, that doesn’t mean no one is liable for certain accidents. Anyone from a coach to another player could be at fault for another person’s injury.

Sports injuries often result from human error or intentional acts. The most common causes of sport-related injuries include:

  • A coach encouraging or forcing a player to return to the game despite a concussion or another serious injury
  • A referee or the league allowing fighting or rough play
  • An organization failing to perform a background check on a trainer or coach
  • A player intentionally injuring someone else during the game or practice
  • A coach pushing players beyond their training, abilities, or skill level
  • Inadequate safety measures to avoid accidents
  • Failing to provide medical treatment for a sports injury
  • Poorly maintained facility, court, or field
  • Defective protective gear or sports equipment

You should reach out to The DJF Law Firm, PLLC immediately after sustaining a sports injury. Pursuing action against the negligent party is critical, even if the injury is minor. You could recover the money you need to pay for medical care and other costs.

Common Types of Sports Injuries

You could suffer a range of injuries while playing any type of sport. The most common sports injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Muscle sprain or strain
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Pulled or torn tendon
  • A twisted or broken ankle
  • Dislocated joints
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Nerve damage
  • Dehydration
  • Overexertion injury
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Broken or missing tooth
  • Back and neck injuries

Some people fully recover after a sports-related injury. Others require extensive medical treatment to heal. The duration of your medical care will depend on the severity of your injury.

Determining Liability for a Sports Injury

Recreational and professional athletes can get hurt in numerous scenarios. It’s normal for anyone engaging in a sport to expose themselves to a potentially dangerous situation. Tripping on your own feet or jamming your finger during a game isn’t anyone’s fault.

Multiple parties could be liable for a sports injury depending on the circumstances. Accidents resulting from someone’s disregard for the safety of others or negligent conduct justify pursuing legal action.

Below are the most common factors contributing to sports injuries and who you can hold liable.

Malicious or Unreasonable Behavior

Some people are die-hard sports fans. They might shout, cheer, and act aggressively, even during recreational activities. Unfortunately, an unruly fan or passionate coach might take things too far.

Assault could occur at any sporting event. An aggressive tackle during a football game is entirely normal. However, if someone uses unnecessary physical force or attacks another person, they could be liable for the resulting injuries.

Premises Liability

Property owners are supposed to ensure the safety of their guests. They must maintain the property and warn anyone visiting the establishment of potential hazards. The owner could be liable for a sports injury if they’re at fault for dangerous conditions, such as:

  • Leaving debris and other loose objects on the field or court
  • Failing to place warning signs near dangerous areas
  • Supplying defective gear and equipment
  • Failing to provide sufficient lighting

Negligent Coaches

A coach might be at fault for someone’s injury if they don’t fulfill their duties to keep everyone safe. A coach might deny a player a break to rest and hydrate. This could lead to heatstroke and other injuries.

Coaches are also responsible for supervising the game, warning players of risks associated with the sport, and determining whether the equipment is in good condition.

If an accident leads to a player’s injury, the coach must pause the game and allow that person to seek medical treatment. The injury might only require a bandage or a few minutes of rest. However, some injuries are severe, and only a qualified doctor can provide the necessary care. If the injured player needs to leave to go to the hospital, it’s the coach’s job to let them.

How Signing a Release Could Affect Your Case

You might not be entitled to compensation in a personal injury case if you signed a release of liability or waiver. When you voluntarily participate in a sport, you take on known risks. That includes potential injuries. If the facility or another party requires you to sign forms before you play, you could unknowingly waive your right to legal action if you get hurt. The following elements might be included in the release.

  • Assumption of Risk:  Assumption of risk means knowing the chance of sustaining an injury but proceeding anyway. You chose to play the sport despite knowing you could get hurt. You assumed the risk the second you stepped onto the court or field. From that moment on, any accident that caused your injury wouldn’t be anyone else’s fault except your own.
  • Release of Liability:  The property owner, facility manager, or another party might require you to sign a release of liability form before permitting you to play the sport. Parents must also sign if they want their kids to participate.

A valid and enforceable release might prevent you from pursuing compensation for a sports injury. The person who required you to sign the form could avoid liability for the accident, especially if your injury isn’t due to someone’s willful or negligent conduct.

However, if negligence contributed to the accident, holding the property owner or another party liable might be possible. It’s critical to contact The DJF Law Firm, PLLC immediately to determine whether you have a case you can pursue against the at-fault party. You might be able to seek legal action even if the release is valid. We can review the circumstances and advise you about your available options.

Compensation Available for Sports Injuries

At The DJF Law Firm, PLLC, we understand your concerns after a sports accident. An injury can take you away from your job, family, and other responsibilities. It might disrupt your entire routine and prevent you from caring for yourself.

You deserve the opportunity to hold the at-fault party accountable for the harm they caused. We can file a claim and negotiate a settlement with the at-fault party’s insurance company on your behalf. If the insurance company denies your claim or offers an inadequate settlement, we have the experience and resources to bring your case to court.

Whether you file a claim or lawsuit, you could recover compensation for your:

  • Hospital and medical bills
  • Mental anguish
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Loss of household services
  • Pain and suffering
  • Damage to personal property

If you file a lawsuit, you can also seek exemplary damages. However,  you must show clear and convincing evidence of the defendant’s malice, gross negligence, or fraud. This type of financial award punishes the defendant for their actions and deters similar behavior in the future.

Statute of Limitations for a Sports Accident

You must file your lawsuit within a specific timeframe if you want to hold someone liable for your injury. In Texas, the statute of limitations allows a two-year timeframe to initiate a lawsuit against the party responsible for your injuries.

That means you have two years from the date of the sports accident to file suit against the negligent individual or company. Once those two years pass, you could lose your right to pursue compensation through the court system.

The two years might not begin on the date of the accident if one of these factors applies to your situation:

  • Minor – If you’re under 18 when you sustain an injury, you will have two years from the date of your 18th birthday to file your lawsuit.
  • Of unsound mind – If you are of unsound mind at the time of the accident, the two-year timeframe won’t start until you gain mental competency.

Delaying the running of the clock is complex. You must file a specific request with the court. The DJF Law Firm, PLLC can determine if you’re eligible and handle the process for you.

Contact Us

The DJF Law Firm, PLLC will provide the personalized attention and services you need to get through this devastating time in your life. We will tailor a strategy to meet the unique needs of your case and try to reach a favorable outcome. You will be our top priority and receive open and honest communication from us throughout the entire process.

If someone else’s negligence caused your sports injury, call us at 832-529-3476 for a free consultation with one of our dedicated and trusted Houston sports injuries attorneys.