Have you been injured in a rear-end collision? Rear-end collisions are often called fender benders. However, referring to these types of collisions as minor is misleading. Rear-end crashes can be significant and traumatic events. A Houston rear-end accident can cause life-altering injuries and leave a victim in a financially compromising situation.
At The DJF Law Firm, PLLC, we don’t want you to fall victim to the misconception that rear-end accidents are trivial. Rear-end accidents are dangerous and can be more complex than outward appearances would have you believe. Although you may feel confident you can handle a rear-end collision insurance claim alone, having an attorney on your side can drastically improve your chances of receiving full and fair compensation for your injuries.
Contact an experienced Houston car accident attorney with The DJF Law Firm, PLLC for valuable legal advice. At The DJF Law Firm, PLLC, we will take the time to sit down with you and review your situation, laying out your legal options. We even offer a free and confidential case evaluation. Call our Houston office at 832-529-3476 to set up your free evaluation today.
The most common cause of Houston rear-end accidents is driver error. From distractions to fatigue, most rear-end accidents are the result of a driver’s carelessness or negligent actions. Unfortunately for Houston motorists, rear-end accidents are among the most common types of collisions on U.S. roadways today. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that nearly 30 percent of all collisions are rear-end accidents. Additionally, the Insurance Information Institute estimates that rear-end accidents account for nearly 6.8 percent of fatal crashes in the U.S.
Some of the most common driver errors that lead to rear-end collisions on Houston roadways include:
Factors outside of a motorist’s control can also lead to rear-end collisions. Road debris and animal activity can create hazards that make it necessary to hit the brakes quickly, leading to a rear-end collision. Mechanical defects and brake failures can also result in serious rear-end collisions.
Being caught in the path of a careless driver can be frightening and have potentially dire consequences. High-speed rear-end crashes can result in traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, and dramatic quality of life changes. However, even low-speed collisions can cause significant wounds. There is a common misconception that rear-end accidents cause whiplash at best. However, rear-end accidents routinely cause traumatic and painful injuries, some of which may be potentially fatal.
Injuries commonly associated with rear-end accidents can include:
If you are involved in a rear-end collision, seek medical attention immediately, even if you don’t feel pain. The adrenaline running through your system after a crash can mask the symptoms of potentially significant injuries like whiplash and concussion.
At The DJF Law Firm, PLLC, we don’t believe in settling for “average.” Every rear-end car accident claim is unique. The value of your claim can depend on several factors:
Other considerations may also play into the value of your claim. Our team of experienced car accident attorneys will review the circumstances of your situation. With the information at hand, we can calculate the fair value of your claim and aggressively negotiate on your behalf for the compensation you deserve.
Although the value of your claim may vary, most rear-end car accident victims can pursue compensation for their economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses are your measurable losses, such as lost wages or medical expenses. Non-economic losses are more subjective and often refer to quality of life alterations and suffering. In total, you may be able to pursue compensation to cover the following:
Before you accept an offer from an insurance company, talk to a skilled Houston rear-end car accident attorney. Insurance companies want to settle your claim quickly and efficiently. However, speed can come at a cost, meaning you may only be offered pennies compared to what you deserve.
Filing an insurance claim is the easiest and most efficient way to pursue the compensation you need after a rear-end accident. However, there may be circumstances when filing a personal injury lawsuit is in your best interest. You should be aware that you only have a limited time to file a lawsuit to pursue compensation for your financial losses.
Texas law gives accident victims two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. If you file a case after this two-year statutory period expires, your case can be dismissed. This dismissal may leave you with little to no recourse for recovering meaningful compensation for your injuries.
Talking to an attorney as soon as possible is essential. An attorney can help you manage your insurance claim and, if necessary, prepare a case for court within the allotted time frame.
A Houston rear-end car accident can turn your life upside down. However, your life doesn’t have to remain in this state of upheaval. A skilled rear-end car accident attorney with The DJF Law Firm, PLLC can help you get back on track and pursue the compensation you need.
Ready to talk to a compassionate attorney about your situation? Call the office of The DJF Law Firm, PLLC at 832-529-3476 to set up your free consultation. We will take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and lay out a legal path forward. Don’t pay for the careless mistakes of another driver. Hold them accountable and seek the compensation you deserve with help from The DJF Law Firm, PLLC.