The DJF Law Firm, PLLC

Houston Bike Accident Attorneys

If you were riding your bike and someone else was responsible for the accident that led to your injuries, do not hesitate to contact The DJF Law Firm, PLLC. We could represent you in a case against the at-fault party to recover the compensation you are entitled to. The money you receive might be enough to pay for your medical treatment and other costs.

Bicycles are convenient for navigating the busy roads in Houston. They’re also an excellent source of exercise. You risk getting hurt in a crash whether you use your bike to work out or commute to your job.

Despite the safety precautions you might take, you can’t control the careless drivers around you. Anyone could sideswipe you while you’re traveling in the bicycle lane or collide with you in an intersection. When that happens, you should have a chance to hold them liable.

The DJF Law Firm, PLLC understands how traumatic it can be to sustain injuries in a bike accident. We are ready to help you pursue the compensation you need and deserve. Call us today at 832-529-3476 for a free consultation with one of our Houston bike accident attorneys to learn more about what we can do for you.

Common Types of Bike Accidents

Bicycle accidents can take many forms. There isn’t only one type of collision that could lead to a bicyclist’s injuries. The type of accident that occurs depends on various contributing circumstances.

Sometimes, riders must share the road with drivers. Even if there’s a designated bicycle lane, there aren’t any barriers to separate riders from cars. An inattentive or distracted driver could swerve or turn into the biker’s lane.

The most common types of bike accidents include:

  • Dooring accidents – When someone parks their vehicle, they must look behind them to ensure no bicyclist is traveling in their direction. A dooring accident occurs when a parked driver opens their car door in the path of an oncoming bicyclist.
  • Sideswipe accidents – Motorists must pass bicyclists with enough distance to avoid sideswiping them. A careless driver could miscalculate the space between their vehicle and the cyclist and sideswipe them while passing.
  • Rear-end collisions – When a bike lane doesn’t exist, bicyclists must use the same road as drivers. An impatient motorist might tailgate the biker, leaving little room to brake in time to avoid a collision.
  • Left-turn accidents – Under certain circumstances, drivers must slow down or stop to allow oncoming traffic to pass before turning left. Completing the turn ahead of an approaching bicyclist places the motorist’s vehicle in their path.
  • Backing up accidents – Crashes can occur in parking lots. Although they typically don’t happen at high speeds, a driver could collide with a biker riding behind their car and run them over. Drivers must always look behind their vehicle before backing out of a parking space.

You should take immediate action regardless of the type of bicycle accident that left you injured. The DJF Law Firm, PLLC knows how to investigate these types of cases and determine who we can hold liable. We can gather all available evidence and aggressively seek the maximum possible compensation for you. You can depend on us to work tirelessly to try to get the money you need.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Sometimes drivers don’t notice nearby bikers. They’re hard to see in a car’s blind spots. That’s why drivers must always focus on their surroundings and carefully navigate around bicyclists on the road.

When drivers ignore traffic laws or become distracted, they increase the risk of an accident. They put bikers in immediate danger by not carefully maneuvering their vehicle through traffic. Human error commonly leads to collisions between cars and bikes.

The most common causes of bicycle accidents include:

  • Tailgating – A driver might tailgate if a biker they’re following isn’t going fast enough. Tailgating is dangerous and provides limited space between a vehicle and a bicycle. If the biker suddenly stops, the driver probably won’t have enough time to brake or swerve to avoid a collision.
  • Speeding – Having total control over a car is challenging while speeding. Traveling at high rates of speed can lead to catastrophic injuries if an accident occurs. A speeding-related crash can be fatal to a biker. It’s critical for motorists to adjust their speed when necessary, especially in dangerous conditions.
  • Distracted driving – Distractions commonly pull a driver’s focus to another task. Whether a motorist reaches into the back seat, sends a text, or eats food, they’re not paying attention to the road ahead. A biker could cross their path, and an accident result because the driver doesn’t see them.
  • Fatigued driving – Many people don’t believe driving while tired is dangerous. Driving after a poor night’s sleep or an exhausting schedule is common. However, fatigue poses a serious threat to the safety of everyone on the road. A tired driver might have difficulty understanding traffic signs or reacting quickly to a dangerous situation.
  • Driving under the influence – When people drive with alcohol or drugs in their system, they’re less likely to make good decisions, notice hazards, and focus on their surroundings. Driving under the influence increases the risk of a crash because the motorist doesn’t have control of their faculties.

At The DJF Law Firm, PLLC, we believe accident victims should recover the money owed to them for the harm they suffered. When you hire us, we will fight to hold the negligent driver accountable, so you can heal and move forward with your life. You should reach out to us immediately after the crash so we can start working on your case.

Common Injuries in Bike Accidents

No matter how careful you are while riding your bike, a dangerous driver could put you in harm’s way. Injuries from bicycle accidents range from minor to life-threatening. Some can be deadly.

The most common types of bicycle accident injuries include:

  • Road rash
  • Paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Broken bones
  • Internal bleeding
  • Permanent disfigurement
  • Lacerations and scarring
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Loss of limb
  • Burn injuries
  • Disability
  • Emotional or psychological trauma

You might face a long road to recovery. Severe injuries often require ongoing treatment to manage pain, limited range of motion, and mobility problems. The emotional effects can be as debilitating as a physical injury. Some people seek therapy to address their depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can be challenging moving forward after a devastating experience like this.

Compensation for Injuries in a Bike Accident

The Houston bike accident attorneys of The DJF Law Firm, PLLC handle a variety of bicycle accident cases. We can thoroughly investigate the crash and determine the amount of money you should get for your expenses. We can’t predict the exact compensation we can recover on your behalf. However, we will do our best to try to maximize the value of your case, so you’re not forced to pay for anything out of pocket.

Whether you file an insurance claim or lawsuit, you might receive compensation for:

  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of household services
  • Mental anguish
  • Physical impairment or disfigurement
  • Damage to personal property

If your loved one died in a bike accident someone else caused, you could pursue a wrongful death case. To file the lawsuit, you must be a surviving spouse, child, or parent. You could receive compensation for your:

  • Mental pain and anguish
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Loss of comfort, society, love, and companionship
  • Lost maintenance, advice, care, counsel, services, advice, and support the deceased would have provided if they survived
  • Lost inheritance, including what the deceased might have earned and left to surviving family if they were still alive

When you file a lawsuit, you can also seek exemplary damages. This type of financial award punishes the defendant for their misconduct and aims to deter similar actions in the future. The court might award these damages to you if you show clear and convincing evidence of the at-fault party’s gross negligence, fraud, or malice.

Statute of Limitations in a Bicycle Accident Case

In Texas, the statute of limitations for bicycle accidents allows a two-year timeframe to file a lawsuit. That means you have two years from the date of the accident to initiate your lawsuit against the negligent party. Once the timeframe passes, you could lose your right to pursue compensation for your injury in court.

If you want to pursue a lawsuit for your loved one’s death, the statute of limitations for wrongful death cases also allows a two-year timeframe. However, the statute begins on the date of the accident victim’s death instead of the date of their injury if the two dates differ.

Contact Us

The DJF Law Firm, PLLC has an experienced and dedicated team of Houston bike accident attorneys. We take pride in the quality of our legal services. We provide personalized attention to every client who hires us. You will be our priority until the end.

If you sustained injuries in a bike accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact The DJF Law Firm, PLLC today. You can discuss the incident with us during a free consultation and learn about your available options. Let us be your advocate and fight for you. Call us at 832-529-3476 right now.